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Metta ontspanningsmassage aanbod

In a relaxation massage, the essence lies, as the name suggests, in the art of relaxation. The goal of this massage is to calm and restore your body and mind.

Gentle techniques are used to relieve muscle pain and stimulate blood circulation.

The result? A deep sense of relaxation, where your muscles release tension and your freedom of movement is increased. This form of massage is suitable for everyone and focuses on the entire body.

Aanbod Metta Massage

Deze massagevorm heeft door mijn eigen leerervaringen en verworven kennis een uniek karakter gekregen. Het is een samensmelting van diverse klassieke massagetechnieken met elementen van acupressuur, reflexologie, yoga en mindfulness.


Deze verheven massage strekt zich niet alleen uit tot de oppervlakkige spieren, maar dringt dieper door tot de spieren die verantwoordelijk zijn voor onze houding. Het verlicht pijn in gewrichten en spieren, vermindert stress en spanning aanzienlijk, en is bij uitstek geschikt voor de nazorg van sportblessures.


Bovendien helpt het preventief om lichamelijke klachten te voorkomen door aandacht te schenken aan het corrigeren van negatieve lichaamshoudingen, ademhaling en gedachteconstructies. Het zorgt ook voor verlichting bij slaapproblemen en ademhalingsmoeilijkheden, waardoor een gevoel van harmonie en welzijn ontstaat



Metta Energetische Tao massage

In our Western world, thinking and analyzing shine in the foreground, sometimes tightening their grip and penetrating our bodies in the form of complaints and pain. When you get too entangled in the illusion of "control" and long for a liberating surrender, an ability to enjoy, you might feel the need to reconnect your feelings, your body and your thoughts.

We start here from our holistic system, in which our mind is inextricably interwoven with our body. A dance of soft and energetic touches envelops the entire being, anchoring attention to the present.

During this enchanting massage, we specifically look for your inner needs, your unique lifestyle and mood. Together we discuss the areas that require healing, so that the treatment can be optimally tailored to your deepest needs. As the Tao massage spreads its wings, the energy known as kundalini awakens, the powerful life essence that resides within us. In the tenderness of this Tao massage lies a healing power deep within.

When you longingly immerse yourself in a quest for relief from stress and liberating relaxation, the hot stone massage offers an answer. With the heat and pressure of the basalt stones, which nestle in your muscles like nurturing hands, you reach a deeper level of rest.

The sensation of the heated stones resting on your body creates a connection between body and mind, acting as a bridge between the two worlds.

In addition to releasing tension and restoring balance to the body, hot stone massage aims to activate lymphatic flow, stimulate organs, relax muscles, promote blood circulation and energize tired tissues.

This skilled technique not only relieves muscle tension and back pain, but also provides relief from conditions such as arthritis and certain forms of rheumatism.

Be warned, however, that hot stone massage is not recommended for those struggling with cancer, varicose veins, acne, fever, and certain skin conditions. People with heart problems, blood pressure complications, and those who are pregnant should also consult their physician before attempting this treatment



An exceptionally effective form of massage for those who train their bodies to the limit. But also for those who dedicate themselves to heavy and intensive work, or are stuck in an unchanging position.

For those who long for blissful relaxation and a much-needed recharge, this massage is a true blessing.

These soulful touches encourage the release of tension in the body, while promoting blood circulation. This allows vital nutrients and hormones to spread better, while waste products are mercilessly kneaded out of the muscles. A resurrection of energy and inner strength is the result.

It is strongly recommended that you do not eat for at least an hour and a half before the massage and that you are well hydrated. It is also preferable not to undergo this treatment right before going to bed, so that your night's sleep can be undisturbed

Metta Bodywork massage
Metta bindweefselmassage

The connective tissue massage, which penetrates the deepest layers of our skin cells, is performed with complete dedication. An invigorating dance that strengthens blood circulation and starts the skin's metabolism. This form of massage proves to be eminently suitable for untangling scar tissue, breathing new life into sagging skin, revitalizing poorly perfused skin, reducing signs of aging and even improving or reducing wrinkles and acne.

The powerful pinches and grips that penetrate the connective tissue stimulate collagen production in an unprecedented way, allowing the skin to achieve and maintain its optimal condition.

However, let there be no doubt: this is an intense massage that is not always without pain. It takes courage to take on this challenge, but the rewards are more than worth it.

Metta Vajrayana massage
Metta voetreflexmassage

Deze bijzondere sessie ontplooit zich op een rustieke futon of massagetafel, en begint met een kort afstemmingsmoment. De kern van deze massage ligt in het volledig overgeven aan de aanraking en het ontwaken van zelfbewustzijn en diepgewortelde gevoelens. Een omarming voor lichaam en ziel. Een prikkeling die al je zintuigen doet ontwaken.


Vajrayana massage is intuïtief en meditatief, waarbij teder contact de boventoon voert. Op deze wijze biedt deze massage emotionele genezing en creëert het een intieme verbinding met het innerlijke zelf. Het is een zeer intense, spirituele sessie en stoelt op heel veel vertrouwen, dus is het aangeraden om eerst met de Tao massage te beginnen.


Het voelt als een persoonlijke dans waarin je volledig opgaat, je geest tot rust laat komen onder begeleiding. Het lichaam omarmt met al zijn subtiele, energetische nuances.


Vajrayana is een levenspad van ongeëvenaarde pracht, waarbij genieten en het zoeken naar verbinding met jezelf en anderen centraal staat. Het is een absolute 'ervarings'massage, waarbij theoretische bespiegelingen en gedachten naar de achtergrond verdwijnen. Pas na afloop, wanneer je het zelf hebt beleefd, zul je werkelijk begrijpen.


Het pure vermogen om een Vajrayana massage te kunnen ontvangen, is dan ook een kostbaar geschenk aan jezelf.

Vooral kundalini, de levensenergie, wordt hierbij aangesproken. Zorg er daarom voor dat je naderhand voldoende tijd hebt om hierin te kunnen landen.





Feet, so important in our lives, carry a significant part of our days and are sometimes put to the test.

Our feet contain various reflex zones, like a mirror image of our body.

Different pressure points on the feet are connected to energy channels and various zones in the body. Organs, nerves and other parts of our being find their connection in the reflex zones of the feet.

By applying targeted pressure to specific areas of the foot, we elicit a response from the body’s inner power to heal. The immune system can be strengthened, while stress and tension are relieved. In this way, the body slowly returns to its natural balance. Blood circulation is boosted, while energy blockages are gently released.

A foot reflexology massage at Metta is a bliss for body and mind, a blessing that penetrates to the deepest fibers

Metta zorgmassage

A massage infused with caring attention and loving caresses, specially designed for cancer patients and those in need of care.

This massage can provide relief from the discomforts that come with a treatment. Care massage can provide valuable support for physical complaints, such as fatigue and nausea, but also for mental complaints, such as loneliness and fears.

Being touched in a different way than during examinations and treatments can have a wonderful effect both physically and mentally. It can help people regain confidence in themselves and help them to better cope with their illness and the recovery process.

This tender massage aims to let you experience deep relaxation. In the serene peace and security you can forget everything for a moment. Doctors agree that deep relaxation contributes to the healing process.

Care massage is a supportive treatment and does not replace medical interventions. It is a wonderful addition during the period of illness and the recovery process.

Care massage is not only for people who have (had) cancer, but also for those who suffer from conditions such as fibromyalgia, scleroderma, CVS and more

Meditatieve TAO massage
Bodywork massage
Metta Massage
Hot stone massage
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